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EcoVadis scores signify strides in sustainability

EcoVadis scores signify strides in sustainability

We’re proud of our impressive track record when it comes to reducing our carbon emissions. Since 2000, we’ve reduced the carbon intensity of our manufacturing by 55% by innovating and evolving our projects and processes to reduce our environmental footprint. We’ve pioneered groundbreaking technology, opening the UK’s first carbon capture and utilisation plant, and found ways to give back to our environment through various stewardship and conservation schemes. Now, we are pleased to announce, all our efforts in this area have been recognised with a couple of high EcoVadis scores.

What is EcoVadis?

In a nutshell, they are the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings. They evaluate how well an organisation has integrated the principles of sustainability and CSR into their business and management systems by evaluating four key areas: environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The business will then receive an overall score, providing them with solid and universal credentials to share with suppliers, customers and even internal teams, as well as a baseline that they can improve upon.

TCE take home gold and British Salt bank a bronze

As the first year of application, we were thrilled to gain such good results for both TCE and British Salt. With a score that not only puts us in the top 5% of companies rated in our industry (manufacturers of basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber) but also in the top 5% of all companies rated within the EcoVadis network (more than 125,000 companies), TCE took home a gold medal. British Salt put in another excellent performance, achieving a bronze medal with an overall score that put them in the top 9% of salt extraction businesses and in the 83rd percentile of all companies rated on the platform.

These scores are an important demonstration of our commitment to our customers, who are becoming more conscious of supplier sustainability performance, and allows us to further support their sustainability goals.

Head of Energy and Carbon Capture, Rob Hudson says of these achievements: “This is a fantastic achievement and the result of a lot of hard work. It represents a significant step in proving our sustainability credentials to our current and future customer base. Critically, we have the track record to back it up and the plans to sustain it – a great effort by Jen and team to pull this off.”

We welcome this recognition of our continuous improvement and now have a baseline to improve upon. The learnings from this process will help us to strengthen and improve our sustainability management system going forward.


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